< Solutions

GIM Emotion und Value Visuals

  1. A picture is worth a thousand words!

Especially in qualitative studies, it is sometimes easier to get to the bottom of feelings, needs, drivers and barriers by using pictures. The emotional level is often difficult to verbalize and can be visualized more easily with the help of an image.

GIM Value Visuals™ is a set of quantitatively and qualitatively validated images representing different values. They are used in qualitative as well as in quantitative interviews: The respondents classify the different values in relation to a communication route, a product, a brand, or even the entire category. 
GIM Emotion Values offer participants a variety of emotions to choose from, i.e. as a reaction to a concept, a service, or after having been exposed to any given stimulus.

These images are also used in reporting, make findings more «digestible», and promote deeper understanding.

Your Contact

Carola Eichmann

Managing Director

GIM Suisse